21 Maegashira #7 East Endo

21 Maegashira #7 East Endo


Total Points


Current Rank
21 Maegashira #7 East Endo
Endo Shota | 遠藤 聖大
Oitekaze | Ishikawa
Birthdate: October 19, 1990
Height: 184 cm | 6' 0""
Weight: 150 kg | 330 lbs
Kyushu 2024 Rank: Maegashira #7 East
Kyushu 2024 Record: 7-8
Enzo has once again settled into mid-Maegashira-dom after a bounce down to Juryo last year. He's weird to watch now because sometimes he is obviously outclassed athletically but still has a bag of skills. Since he's aged into experienced veteran now, Endo can be quite dangerous in the right match.