42 Maegashira #18 East Tokihayate

42 Maegashira #18 East Tokihayate


Total Points


Current Rank
42 Maegashira #18 East Tokihayate
Tokihayate Hideki | 時疾風 秀喜
Tokitsukaze | Miyagi
Birthdate: August 25, 1996
Height: 179 cm | 5' 10""
Weight: 131 kg | 288 lbs
Kyushu 2024 Rank: Maegashira #17 West
Kyushu 2024 Record: 7-8
Tokihayate should be thankful that Terunofuji retired and meant there was an extra Makuuchi slot available. He wasn't bad in January, but Tokihayate did get a losing record with a 7-8. He may have the skills to stick in Makuuchi, but he's fighting an uphill battle with his size.